“Yeah sex is cool but have you ever seen a gay couple holding hands well as the completely necessary “yeah sex is cool but have u tried gay sex” tweets, there were entries like: “yeah sex is cool or whatever but have you ever been gay and worn a jacket that smells like your girlfriend?” Gay memes: some of the ones from 2018, like this, were wholesome and uplifting (dykealectics/twitter)Īnother particularly sweet example was: “yeah sex is cool but have you ever seen a gay couple holding hands irl.” The premise was easy to follow-use the phrase “Yeah, sex is cool, but” and fill in the sentence with one or more sensations which are, in your opinion, better than sex-and the results were often surprisingly heartfelt. Sex isn’t everything, as this meme proved. “You’ll never be a proper male, your dick gonna be weird and you’ll have huge scars and a huge part of the gay community will neglect you as a sexual partner,” they may add, requiring you to interrupt, saying: “sTOP.”Īs well as transphobia, the meme was also used to tackle biphobia, with one person imagining a partner telling them: “plenty of men slide into your DMs and even ask you out on a date… but they leave as soon as you tell them you’re bisexual.” Sex is cool, but gay memes are better
You might tell your partner: “I want you to hurt me,” only to be told, flat-out, that “you’ll never be the man you wish to be.